Women Entrepreneurship Forging Ahead in Mexico

On centrestage: Women Entrepreneurs from Mexico

Mexico was ranked 66th by the World Economic Forum ranked in terms of gender equality – out of 144 countries in 2016. In the Mexican states, there are very few regional differences in the inequalities present. But, even with all of these barriers, there are still women entrepreneurs who overcome these challenges and forge ahead to launch successful businesses.

So, it appears that the future is studded with more opportunities. And, within Mexico there are people trying to make business more inclusive, giving women the opportunities they deserve!

Here are some leading women entrepreneurs in Mexico.

> Claudia de Heredia, Founder & CEO, Kichink

One of the 11 start-ups recognised by Google for Demo Day for Entrepreneurs, Women’s Edition was Kichink. Kichink is the leading e-commerce solution for businesses in Mexico, which was launched in 2013. It is located in Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico. It is an ecommerce solution that is safe, intelligent, simple and personal which allows anyone to start selling online in minutes!! Claudia de Heredia, Co-founder of the company is a leading Mexican woman to watch out for, in the world of business. She understood the barriers women in Mexico faced, when they wished to enter the world of business and she’s overcome them all!

> Ana Isabel Orvañanos, Co-founder, Aliada

After getting her Masters in Economics in Spain, Ana Isabel Orvañanos returned to Mexico – to work in the finance area, before dealing with the idea to launch Aliada. This is a platform for finding trusted cleaning professionals. Through this, Mexico City residents can find the ‘ideal housekeeper’ to help them out, and vice versa. It is regularly considered one of Mexico’s most successful start-up sites. Founded in September 2014, Aliada has since expanded and has helped to formalise this largely unregulated and informal Mexican industry.

> Ana Karen Ramírez & Daniela González, Co-founders, Epic Queen

Epic Queen is a business that offers inclusive programmes which aims to increase the involvement of women in the field of innovation, particularly in Mexico. Epic Queen is the first NGO and non-profit Mexican organization that develops programs and initiatives to include women in the technology industry. This was a realisation that inspired the Co-founders – Ana Karen Ramírez and Daniela González to start this business. When they realised that there are still only a few women working in the field (97% of science and technology positions are occupied by men) that the partners came up with the idea for Epic Queen. They offer online courses and host monthly events that bring together female leaders to share their experiences.

> Marlenne Reyes Gutiérrez, Co-founder, Arte Marí-Marí

It was in 2013 that Marlenne Reyes Gutiérrez founded the start-up Arte Marí-Marí, along with her business partner María Fernanda Huerta. The idea was to preserve the cultural heritage of Mexico. They work with indigenous women, who create embroidered products which are then transformed into items like cushion covers and sold through Arte Marí-Marí all over the world. This ensures the women receive fair wages and recognition for their time-consuming, skilled work. Most significantly, this gained the co- founders substantial help from the Cherie Blair Foundation in 2015.

> Blanca Treviño, CEO & President, Softtek

Today one of the leading names in the world of Mexican entrepreneurs – Blanca Treviño is a business leader with decades of industry experience. She’s currently the CEO and President of Softtek which was started in Monterrey, Mexico. Currently it has grown and has become Latin America’s principal IT services provider. Additionally, she’s a member of several boards such as Walmart México, Caintra and Copermex, was the first woman included in the International Association of Outsourcing Providers’ Hall of Fame.

> Ana MaríaOlabuenaga, Founder, OlabuenagaChemistri

Most credit that goes to Ana MaríaOlabuenaga is for the fact that she was the first woman to found and lead a publicity agency in Mexico. For instance, famous marketing campaigns such as ‘Esfácilser hombre’ for Tecate have been created by her. It was significant that in 2015, her company OlabuenagaChemistri merged with a subsidy of Leo Burnett, which lead on to greater things. Now Olabuenaga is the transnational strategic consultant.


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