Importance of Computer Literacy for Rural Women Entrepreneurs


On World Computer Literacy Day: December 2, sheatwork examines the significance of education for rural women entrepreneurs                                                    

If the digital divide can be solved, it will definitely make life easier. This mission is definitely highlighted on World Computer Literacy Day, on December 2nd. Launched way back in 2001, the aim was to curb the digital divide that exists in the world. The day also focuses on increasing awareness of this ‘divide’ and increase access to information technology for disadvantaged communities.

Narrowing the digital divide brings in the concept of computer literacy, which will for sure, empower individuals and nations. And, the empowerment of women is an important pre-condition for the development of humanity.

Today, from the Internet and mobile phones to TV and broadcast radio, the rise of information and communications technologies (ICTs) has created a ‘global village’. With the issue of women entrepreneurship, it throws light on the significance of information and communication technology (ICT) in engaging women and business visionaries. We, as a nation, have taken initiatives to enhance this. And, it goes, without a doubt this move is to ensure how ICTs benefit women entrepreneurs and to take the concept of women empowerment far ahead, not just in India, but globally too. Our PM’s Digital India highlights this.

It is a matter of pride, today, that women are increasingly playing a bigger role in the development of the nation, right from the rural areas to the urban areas right up to the Parliament.

Educating the Girl Child is the Key to Women’s Empowerment

PM Narendra Modi’s ‘beti padhao’ campaign, which had the incentive to get women more educated, comes into the spotlight on World Computer Literacy Day. Under normal circumstances, you would expect more women to work as they get more educated; significantly so in urban areas since there are more opportunities there and less taboos, but this equally important in rural areas, where these facilities are lacking.

Rural women’s economic and social development is necessary for overall economic development of both the society and nation. We hear of rural women now increasingly running their own business, and become independent.  But, it is a fact that their entrepreneurial potential, managerial skill and socio-economic contribution remain largely neglected. Women entrepreneurship development is the instrument of women empowerment.

Empowerment through entrepreneurship leads to self-fulfillment and most importantly, makes women aware about their status, existence, rights and also, their position in the society.

In the modern era, it is a positive sign that we see women are becoming socially empowered, and economically empowered through business ownership. Women entrepreneurship is gaining importance in India, in the wake of globalization and economic liberalization. The institutional and policy framework for developing entrepreneurial skills, providing vocational education and training has widened the horizon for economic development of women. Women entrepreneurs tend to be highly motivated, self disciplined & self directed.

On the other hand, empowerment of rural women is also very significant. Economic empowerment of rural women will lead to the development of our country. So, it is very necessary to pay attention to the empowerment of women in the rural areas, for this can lead to the real development of our country, in all areas. Women’s entrepreneurship is crucial for women’s position in society and, economic development of women will lead to development of family, community and country. It opens up new avenues for creating employment opportunities both for women and men.

You would expect more women to work as they get more educated. So, it is all the more critical that  women, who have started their own business, or who are thinking of doing this, are imparted  computer skills. Computer literacy will not only add to their skills, but will also strengthen their  determination to become independent. And, women, regardless of their age, racial background and economic standing can manage to add to the economy and development of the nation.

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