Importance of Entrepreneurial Literacy in a Post-pandemic World


On International Literacy Day (September 8, 2021) sheatwork puts the focus on how critical entrepreneurial literacy is today.                                                                                     

Taking a look at history, International Literacy Day was announced on September 8, by UNESCO in 1966 – to remind the international community of the importance of literacy for individuals, communities and societies, and the need to intensify efforts towards more literate societies. So, this day is observed every year to rustle up awareness about the importance of literacy which undoubtedly, is not only a matter of dignity, but is also very much a part of human rights.

The theme of International Literacy Day 2021 is – Literacy for a human-centered recovery, narrowing the digital divide‘. The unprecedented COVID-19 crisis has ushered in a “new normal”, and has also disrupted the learning and education of children, young people and adults too, at an uncontrolled scale. The pandemic has also widened the gaps between people and has even affected the lives of illiterate young adults. Education has moved into inline education, work culture has taken up the WFH mode. In short, the digital divide between sections of people has come into the forefront.

In a country like India, a large number of the population is illiterate and they do not have any work that can lead to earning their own income. So, Literacy Day is utilized to drive awareness and spur off activities that can give out different types of knowledge to different people, according to their status and work capability. It also imparts information about the importance of education that can enhance their own earnings so that they can sustain themselves, along with needs of their families.

As a rule, education is very necessary for all people, so that they can gather all knowledge about different areas of work and business, so that they can decide a field and then carry out all types of work for their own betterment. We can see around us that all kinds of people are busy carrying out different tasks; and if it is accompanied by appropriate knowledge of the work, then they can soon excel in it – to improve their quality of life. Education enhances people’s growth in life and it also imparts the power to achieve every task properly, without problems which may hamper the work. Once people are literate, they are capable of using their knowledge to manage work properly, that can lead to improving the lives they had been leading not only for themselves, but for others and, society at large.  

Understanding entrepreneurial learning

What is entrepreneurial learning? And what does it mean for entrepreneurs? Entrepreneurial learning is acquiring the necessary entrepreneurial knowledge to improve business performance not for the current state of affairs, but for the future too. It is an ongoing process that involves turning experiences into relevant information that can improve the current setup, so that they can manage a small or medium-sized company.

And, since the theme includes – “narrowing the digital divide”, it also puts the spotlight on digital literacy too. And, today, since everything has become digital, this is very relevant.

So, entrepreneurship education is very critical for entrepreneurs to acquire resources, enhance innovative ability and innovative personality, and build multi-level learning channels for entrepreneurs by integrating various knowledge and value systems. Entrepreneurship education per se, has been defined as “a collection of formalized teachings that informs, trains, and educates anyone interested in participating in socioeconomic development through a project to promote entrepreneurship awareness, business creation, or small business development”. You will pick up skills that empower you to succeed in business that you have started, and at a macro level, it will also fuel the economy by generating new jobs

Significantly, your journey to emerge as an entrepreneur starts from the bottom – from real experiences that test your knowledge, skills and motivations. And, pursuing entrepreneurial literacy is all about the research you do as you prepare and plan to start your business.  The more you learn and grow, the better you will perform as a business leader. Real entrepreneurial skills come from your work and industry experience, and your willingness to continue learning.

So, entrepreneurial literacy is a real necessity if you have plans to manage your own business and become your own boss.

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