How to get media coverage for your business


How to get media coverage for your business 

Getting media coverage for any business, big or small, has never been so important. It can influence and affect the way a business is viewed by the public. It can evolve the brand image in the market, and it can also impact its sales.

Gaining media exposure for your business, whether in online offline media is important for start-ups and established businesses alike, if they hope to develop and expand. An important part of marketing a small business should be gaining media coverage.

So, how do you project your business in media to get media coverage? Here are some tips:

Know your target media: Remember your media pitch must match with what is covered by the individual publication, channel or individual journalist. Every media outlet has a style all its own, based on its target audience. Different media outlets will cover news, even if they cover the same news, but it will be from different angles.  Specific “beats” are given to journalists, and you must be aware of this. So, your news item has to match that, and your angle has to match, too. You can only learn these subtleties by reading, watching or listening to the media channel, again and again.

• Create your media list: Take the effort to maintain your own updated roster of media channels, reporters, and other contacts in the media industry. Break the lists down to include lists of urban, local, regional (& international) sources, and even one that is industry-specific.  

• Reach out to the right person: Getting into the right media is all about reaching out to the appropriate person. Some publications or channels may have multiple editors and writers. And their responsibilities may be different. Just sending an email to one won’t necessarily be seen by anyone else.

• Let media know you’re an expert: Once they know you as an expert on the subject you are involved in, they will check out with you – if you can be available for media interviews. Being seen and quoted gets you and your business recognized in your business sector.

• Invite the media to your special events: Never forget to invite the media to any special event related to your business, that perhaps you are hosting. It can be the company’s anniversary, or an important day for your business and so on. Remember to give the media easy access and always remind the press that you’re available to speak to them on. At an event, hold a slot, where you can address the press or they can ask you questions and get information.

• Engage on social media: Get involved in social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. Check out the media pages and get involved – like share their stories, or comment their Facebook posts. You will get some attention from their audience, and it’s also a good way to get the media channel’s attention. Remember, a lot of journalists, editors have their own Pages, too, so make sure to engage there, too.

• Attend community events where the media may be present: It is seen that local small businesses do wonders by attending local community events. Maybe you can set up a booth. You will find the press, who is usually at these events and it is a good opportunity to get acquainted with them. And then work on creating a rapport.

At the end, remember the media is always looking for news. If you can provide that, and reach out to the right people, then nothing can stop you from being featured in media.

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