Highlighting Social Women Entrepreneurship in the Post-Covid Era


The changing economic scenario and the global downturn have augmented the great call for social query in the spirit of the economy. Entrepreneurship can be established as a valuable tool for economic value formation and at the same time as a way to tackle a variety of social issues to make society a better place for all to live.

What is social entrepreneurship? Social entrepreneurship is all about recognizing the social problems and achieving social change by employing entrepreneurial principles, processes and operations.  Child Rights foundations, plants for the treatment of waste products and women empowerment foundations are a few examples of social ventures; and when women take up the mantle of supporting such causes through their entrepreneurial ventures, there is no looking back!

Although the idea of ‘social entrepreneurship’ has seen a slim growth in previous years, nowadays it has attracted swelling importance in India. India is on its way to creating a scenario that is in many ways assisting social entrepreneurs with mentoring as well as monetary support, especially women. Today, an encouraging environment is required to be formed to facilitate women to involve themselves energetically in entrepreneurial assignments. It is the need of the hour that Government, non-Government, promotional and regulatory organizations must come ahead and give their best encouraging part in sponsoring the women entrepreneurs in India, who will, in turn, demonstrate the role of change agents in the social as well as, economical segments.

Social, Women-led entrepreneurship is a fast-growing trend as both, biology and culture have shaped the perception of women as being more empathic than men and, consequently, as capable of quelling crises. Some crises are more intense than others and, whereas some brew within organizations, others originate from the external environment. The ongoing pandemic is one such crisis, which has once again brought social entrepreneurship by women into the limelight. We have witnessed many woman-owned agencies with a fierce passion for helping others build and grow the business that excites them.

From, Sarita Siingh an entrepreneur and educationist who has discharged the role of creator and curator in Publishing, Entertainment and Investment sectors, keeping students at the centre of her vision for imparting education and helping them to evolve as a complete people, to Sheelaa M Bajaj,  a serial Entrepreneur whose latest start-up is the largest divine guidance platform in the world, and aims to empower, guide and transform people who are at the rock bottom in their lives, the list of social women entrepreneurs is perhaps never-ending.

Another aspect that signifies the importance of having social entrepreneurship in the post-COVID era, is the way women themselves have been impacted by the pandemic. There is no doubt that women across the world are disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, reversing gains in gender equality made in recent decades. So, it has become more important than ever that women act as role models to motivate other women and the down-trodden, to initiate action to bring positive social change in their lives and the society at large.

I believe ambition, inspiration, resourcefulness, pragmatism, adaptability, openness to collaboration and persistence are qualities that make women entrepreneurs a class apart and prove that they are as good a social entrepreneur too. These are the properties that will heal the world and make it a better place in the coming years!

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