Growing Business and Family Together


From time immemorial, women are known for their multi-tasking skills and are praised for the same. However, people do not realize that juggling work and parental responsibilities is no mean feat, and just like everything else there are good days and bad. More often than not, striking the perfect balance between the two becomes more difficult for a woman after she becomes a mother and is at that stage of her career, which requires her undivided attention. SheAtWork salutes the indomitable spirit of such women and suggests a few tips to help them successfully balance family life and run a business:-

  • Recruit deputies at work and at home to give you some relief when needed. You are not out there to prove that you can do everything. When you learn to acknowledge that you can’t do everything, your life will become much easier. It is alright to ask for help and ‘employ’ help.
  •  Being organised and chalking out your priorities is very important. You should be able to figure out your unavoidable responsibilities—both professional and personal—and find out other areas of work that can be easily avoided to save time.
  • Create a routine for yourself, and try to follow it. However, don’t be harsh on yourself and allow space for  flexibility when needed.
  • Each day brings along with it a new set of challenges/goals. Hence, it is wise to set goals on a daily basis and aim to fulfil those by the end of the day. Do not mix short term goals with long term goals.
  • Be prepared to face any unprecedented crises, both, at the home front as well as at office. Being able to roll with life’s punches is half the battle won for a womanmompreneur’.
  • Be conscious about your responsibilities towards your family and your business venture as well. Make one family meal per day, a priority for yourself and all other family members. Keeping connected with your family through regular communication, even in your busy schedule, will help you to shed some of the work-related stress and re-assure you about the robust support system you have back at home!
  • Keep an open and clear line of communication at work. Maintaining transparency and clarity while interacting with employees, clients or stakeholders will rule out chances of misunderstanding regarding the objectives you are striving towards.
  • Listen to your employees and be logical, not emotional while doing so. Undoubtedly, dealing with employees with humanity and humility is essential to make them feel valued, but keeping your reasoning powers intact while doing so is imperative!
  • Try to take a few family members onboard your business model as they can be blindly trusted, will work harder for the family business and care more.
  • Don’t Forget Self-Care. No matter how demanding your office or family might be, try taking out some time for yourself. Your happiness matters the most because you can be at your productive best only when you have a healthy body and mind. Unwinding after a long day will help you to look forward to a beautiful morning.

Nowadays, women enjoy equal status in the world because they have successfully navigated through their struggles,  and emerged winners in their own right. There will always be times that you will have to let work or family come first. To think that you can perfectly balance everything in your life at all times, is nothing but wishful thinking. So, shake off any underlying guilt and charge ahead to rule the world while you concurrently rock the cradle as well!!

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