Government Incentives & Schemes for Women Entrepreneurs in Bihar


Bihar is a state that is rapidly growing in the business arena and the most profitable businesses in the state are – restaurants, malls, hotels, coaching institutes and so on. Besides, the scenario in the state has changed considerably with the political empowerment of women. And the state will forge ahead with the active cooperation of women entrepreneurs.

Here are some incentives and schemes that the state of Bihar offers.

> Incentives for Women/ SC/ST/Differently Abled

The benefits of this incentive are many. Entrepreneurs will avail of additional grants/exemptions/subsidies other than the limit fixed under the above clauses of the policy.
• Women Enterprise – additional 5%
• SC/ST – additional 5%
• Differently Abled – additional 15%
• Additionally, 22% (20% SC/2%ST)of the total corpus for funding start-ups shall
be reserved for SC/ST.

The eligibility criteria is that the incentives shall solely be applicable to start-ups which are fully owned by anyone person of this category or a group /mix of the person defined in this category only. Read More

> Mukhya Mantri Mahila Udyami Yojana (MMUY) & Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Yojana (MYUY)

It was mainly to improve the employment ratio, that the Bihar Chief Minister recently launched the Mukhyamantri Mahila Udyami Yojna (MMUY) and the Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Yojana (MYUY). The objective was – to provide more employment opportunities to youth and young women in the state.

Under the MMUY, an unemployed woman would be provided a sum of Rs 10 lakh to start a new business or small industry. To elaborate, out of the Rs 10 lakh, Rs five lakh would be a subsidy amount which the woman doesn’t need to return, while the rest Rs 5 lakh would be an interest-free loan, to be returned in many installments in the next seven years from the start of the new enterprise. Under the MYUY, an unemployed youth would be provided a sum of Rs 10 lakh to start a new enterprise or industry; and of the Rs 10 lakh, Rs five lakh would be the subsidy amount which the youth need not to return, the rest Rs 5 lakh would be a loan on simple interest of 1%, to be returned in many installments. Read More

> Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women (STEP)

Under the Ministry of Women & Child Development, STEP Scheme aims to provide skills that give employability to women and to provide competencies and skills that enable women to become self-employed/entrepreneurs. The Scheme is intended to benefit women who are in the age group of 16 years+ across the country. The scheme has 2 fold objectives – to provide skills that give employability to women, & to provide competencies and skills that enable women to become self-employed/entrepreneurs. Read More

This scheme has been introduced to help the oppressed and weaker section of society – to earn their livelihood. Both literate and illiterate women from urban as well as rural areas can avail this scheme, and it aims to assist women with access and control over resources. The scheme provides training, information and counselling activities related to trade, product manufacturing and services. Finances are also provided to women, as very often it is a big problem that women face. Government grants 30% of the total project cost and the rest 70% is given as loan to the woman by lending institutions. Read More

> Women Development Corporation, Bihar

Registered under Registration Act 1860, this body functions under Department of Social Welfare, Government of Bihar. It is a nodal agency. It works with association of Community Based Organizations and various NGOs. It aims at empowerment of women and girls. Read More

> Sarkari Yojana, Bihar

The State Government of Bihar launched the Student credit card Scheme in the state so that they can apply for education loan of up to 4 lakh. This scheme envisages up to 5 lakh students. One can also apply for Modi Business Loan Scheme under the Sarkari Yojana scheme. The Government will grant a loan up to 15 lakh for starting new enterprise in the State. Visit the Sarkari Yojana official portal for more information regarding loans and other schemes. Read More

> Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana

This program was launched in the year 1999 and active till date. It emphasise self-employment with the help of various organisations like self help groups, organisations that provide training, credit, technology, infrastructure and marketing. Its main aim is to provide sustainable livelihood opportunities, is targetted at families living below poverty line. It is a centrally sponsored scheme. Read More

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