Giving back as an entrepreneur is a rewarding experience


Social Media Giving Day is an online holiday celebrated on July 15. The aim of the day is to promote social media as a means to support charities & causes.

What is social media giving? The aim of Social Media Giving Day is to promote social media as a means to support charities and causes by donating and raise public awareness about the importance of fundraising.

Giving back as an entrepreneur is a rewarding experience – both in the personal and professional arenas. The very act of philanthropy is actually at the very heart of the free market philosophy that has driven the success and growth of many entrepreneurs. New research has found that women are more generous than men. In fact, the study suggests that they’re more likely to be ‘giving’ because their brains find it more rewarding. What’s more, women at nearly every income level are better givers. Not only do they give more often; they also tend to donate more.

Social Media Giving Day was inaugurated by – a platform dedicated to fundraising via Twitter, in 2013. Founded by Chris Sommers, is a not-for-profit-focused technology platform, that focuses on encouraging social media users to donate via social networks, namely Twitter. Givver provides an opportunity to support a variety of non-profit, educational, and political organizations.

As a non-profit entrepreneur – is it all about starting non-profits to turn a profit or is it about starting businesses to make money in the non-profit space?

How do nonprofit organizations use social media? Nonprofit organizations use social media for many reasons like – to raise awareness about their cause, raise funds, recruit donors and volunteers, build community around their mission, and communicate important information to many people quickly.

Nonprofit Source found that 55% of people who engage with nonprofits on social media end up taking some sort of action: 

> 59% of those people donate money. 

> 53% volunteer. 

> 52% donate clothing, food, or other personal items. 

> 43% attend or participate in charitable events in their community because of social media. 

If you’re ready as a woman entrepreneur, to fully leverage social media for any giving day, here are some tips to get you started. 

> Ensure all your social media accounts are accurate: This is basic, but important. Before you start promoting and sharing your nonprofit, make sure all your accounts are accurate. 

> Give people advance information: If you want to raise money on a specific day, like Social Media Giving Day or Giving Tuesday, you want to let your audience know.

> On D-day, put up a compelling post and a clear call to action: You’ll want to plan what type of content is going to get the most attention, and thus drive the most donations.  It needs to be authentic and have a clear call to action. Viewers should leave your videos with a clear understanding of why your business matters.   

> Don’t be discouraged if not much happens on that specific day: It may take some time for anyone to see your post for after it actually goes live. Depending on the type of post, the traffic it is getting, and whether anything is trending that day, your post may not be seen immediately by your audience.  Give your audience a chance to see, share, and take action. The more likes, comments, and shares the post gets, the more it will be seen, and that type of momentum can take time.  If nothing happens, don’t get too discouraged. You can try again! 

Can social media bring happiness? On one hand, there are certainly many arguments in favour of social media’s positive effects on happiness. For instance, social media can help people feel more connected and less isolated, especially during times of physical distancing or other challenges.

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