Every Drop of Water is Important – Women Entrepreneurs can Make a Difference


World Water Day is observed internationally every year on March 22nd – to focus attention on the importance of freshwater and to promote sustainable management of freshwater resources. The theme for World Water Day 2023 is – “Water for all: leaving no one behind”. It is about taking full action to tackle the global water crisis. The day highlights an opportunity to learn more about water-related issues, be inspired to spread the word, and take action – to make a difference.

Entrepreneurship can play a significant role

Entrepreneurship can play a significant role in addressing water-related issues – by developing innovative and sustainable solutions to the challenges facing water resources. Entrepreneurs can do a lot – like creating new business models, technologies, and solutions to improve water access, quality, and management. Women entrepreneurs, specially can make a significant contribution to addressing water-related challenges as they often face the brunt of water scarcity in their daily lives.

Women entrepreneurs can develop innovative solutions – to improve water access and quality in their communities, as well as promote water conservation and management. However, despite the potential of entrepreneurship to address water-related challenges, there is still much more that needs to be done.

Businesses and individuals all have a role to play in addressing water-related challenges. Businesses can develop innovative technologies and business models to improve water quality, access and management. Individuals can also make a difference by conserving water and reducing their water footprint.

Creating a “water-wise” work environment

All businesses (big or small) should review their water usage and implement strategies to be water-wise.

Here are some tips to consider how you can implement changes in your business. And increase water usage awareness with your employees:

> Discuss with employees about your water savings initiatives. Include water
savings policies and procedures.

> Encourage employees to contribute to water-saving ideas.

> Discuss water efficiency at team meetings and provide regular reports on water
use figures.

> Appoint a ‘water champion’ – to monitor water use.

In conclusion, World Water Day is a huge opportunity – to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable water management and also to encourage action to address water-related challenges. Entrepreneurship, particularly by women entrepreneurs, can play a crucial role in developing innovative and sustainable solutions to water-related challenges. However, much more needs to be done – to ensure that everyone has access to safe water and sanitation, and that water resources are managed sustainably for future generations.

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