Army Experience is a Feather in the Cap – for Women, who Choose to Become Entrepreneurs


Army Day is observed every year on January 15. It is celebrated in the honour of Field Marshal Kodandera M. Cariappa taking over as the first Army-Chief of India. In 1949, history recorded the fact when the title was transferred to him from the last British Army Chief General Francis Butcher.

The life of Field Marshall K M Cariappa was indeed, quite distinguished. Born in Mercara state, now known as Karnataka, he has many ‘firsts’ to his credit. He was honoured with the King’s Commission in 1919 with the first group of Indian cadets. And, in 1933, he was the first Indian officer to join the Staff College, Quetta. In 1942, he established the 7th Rajput Machine Gun Battalion (now the 17 Rajput). Then as a Brigadier in 1946, he joined the Imperial Defence College, UK. He had been summoned from the United Kingdom to serve on the Army Subcommittee of the Forces Reconstitution Committee, and here he had worked out an amicable historical settlement between India and Pakistan during partition.

This day is celebrated with many military shows in the country as well as in various other headquarters of the Indian army. Another memorable purpose of this day is also to salute our brave soldiers for protecting our lives to the extent that they are ready to sacrifice their own lives. It’s a milestone that in 2023, India celebrates its 75th Indian Army Day.

Research has shown that army veterans are around 45% more likely to take the plunge into entrepreneurship than people with no military experience. The lessons learned in military service are the same attributes needed to succeed in business, such as – leadership, teamwork, competitive spirit, mission orientation and work ethics. The business world has a clear presence of people who have had army experience. And many brave ex-army Indians now fuel our economy as entrepreneurs in businesses they own.

One of the most unique aspects of an army veteran’s business community is its incredible celebration of diversity. This business community is the intersection of all diverse business communities.

Skills picked up in the army – shape businesses

People with army experience definitely have a plus point in the business world, thanks to many qualities picked up and mastered during service – like leadership skills, risk assessment abilities, discipline, commitment and focus, to name a few. Female veterans are no exception, and many women who have fared well and established great military careers have gone on to set their startups as entrepreneurs. We read often about ex-army women who have transitioned from successful military service roles to top positions in the business world.

Today, we see that women army personnel have come a long way and have contributed their know-how to companies in every business sector. And, they will continue to serve as major influencers in the world of entrepreneurship too.

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