Ways To Lead Successful Webinars For Your Business


Technology has been thrust into the limelight, albeit, under unfortunate circumstances in the past 7 months. While battling with the COVID-19 virus and attempting to stay connected while remaining distant, technology has emerged as an enabler; and an important feature which has immensely aided the continuous rolling of businesses is webinars! Simply put, a webinar is an online seminar. Webinars are powerful. When done right, they can build brands, establish and grow your authority in the industry and generate many leads for you while connecting you with your associates, existing and new clients. However, not all webinars bring desired results. While a select few enjoy massive success and many attendees, many fall flat, with low attendance and high drop-off rates. Today, let me guide, you for pulling your webinar out of the mediocre, forgettable and zero-conversion zone.

• Create an Attractive Title – Your webinar’s title is your first interaction with your audience. It is what helps them to decide whether to sign up or not. This means the first step toward crafting a magnetizing title is to know your target audience and what they wish to be catered.

• Indulge in Visual Branding – Be consistent and try to align everything with your brand’s visual tone. Doing so will keep your brand more recognizable and constantly within the attention span of your attendees. Inserting your company’s logo where it makes sense, such as the opening animation or the main slides is imperative. These small details are essential to creating a cohesive experience for your webinar attendees.

• Choose an Appropriate Topic – We must remember that people participate in webinars to learn and grow. Therefore, much emphasis must be laid on the content. Providing authentic, meaningful information and high quality editorial standards will stand you in good stead. Again, more visual content will not only keep your audience glued to the webinar but will also help in learning and remembering better for future use. Also, one of your goals is to demonstrate your authority as an information source and for this, you must show that you know whatever is going on in your space.

• Document Your Webinar Process and Choose the Correct Webinar Platform – you need to document your entire process as, doing so, will streamline your webinar production in the future. Creating a calendar, where topics, speakers, dates and tasks are tracked and planned way in advance, will help. Furthermore, keeping separate records for different webinar formats will help in identifying what works, what doesn’t and what you can do to fine-tune your process. Also, it is important that you choose the correct webinar platform which fits in your budget, allows recording and the number of attendees you wish to have onboard.

• Consider a Paid Webinar Series – Webinar marketing can be costly and a paid webinar might keep the number of attendees down, but you are likely to get a more engaged and genuinely interested audience. Asking attendees to pay for a webinar raises their expectations that the quality will be top-shelf. The onus of matching up to their expectations rests entirely on you. Therefore, before running a paid webinar you have to be confident about the value and quality you can provide. Just remember to wait until you’re absolutely sure your target audience is willing to pay for your webinar content and be careful about not over-pricing the participation fee.

Thus, creating a webinar takes a lot of planning and coordination as it is a live event; there are no retakes! We know that webinars are a highly effective way to communicate in-depth information in an engaging format and therefore it is only advisable that we leverage this tool with perfect planning to achieve desired results.

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