Tips to Make an Impactful Presentation


Today, nearly every professional in the world is working remotely, at least part of the time, creating and delivering presentations via online video conferences. Online/virtual presentations have become the standard in working procedures. The main advantage of an online or virtual presentation is the ability to reach a broader and more widely disbursed audience, including business audiences now secluded in their homes. Simultaneously, a major drawback of the same is that it is indeed difficult to engage audiences and scoop out the desired outcome if they are distanced from each other. Therefore, making an impactful presentation is imperative for captivating the attendees and aiding business continuity and growth. Here are some tips to help you make an impactful presentation –

Technology – your guiding light

In using technology aptly, the presenter must go beyond the logistics of access: launching an app, log-in, navigation, activating your mic (and/or camera), etc. to leverage it as an effective means of communication. For example, it is how you apply the technology to break through the noise in all those remote spaces (where your attendees are located) is key. The presenter cannot assume peaceful and orderly environments, so using appropriate technology as a tool to mitigate these issues is a wise move. It will result in holding the attention of each audience member, thereby helping them to focus exclusively on the presentation.

Your voice – a tool for making a better presentation

Your voice still remains the most important communication medium in a virtual/online presentation. It is extremely difficult for the presenter to take ownership of spaces, making them distraction-free, for everyone who is a part of the online presentation. Do not presume that the audience is giving you their undivided attention just because you are speaking. Along with mastery of technology which demonstrates your commanding capabilities, proper voice modulation and articulation is what you need to keep audiences rivetted to your presentation. Effective addition of pacing, articulation, vocal variety and strategic use of pauses in broadcast environments are peremptory to sustain audience interest. Remember, a virtual presentation is an effort to connect while being distant and imprint ideas in the minds of the audience; and we can do this perfectly with resolute use of our voices.

Keep it short and in simple language

Keeping the presentation compact, allows for more learning for the attendees. It is proved that online attention span of people is not much, therefore you must try to convey more in lesser time – hence fewer slides with highlighted details is the answer. It is acceptable to have greater detail on each slide as long as you highlight what the audience should focus on, reduce the number and complexity of ideas which you are presenting, and focus on dynamic shifts from slide to slide.  

It is a mammoth task to loop in an audience’s sense of commitment and initiate action through a virtual presentation, due to the ‘distance’. However, creating and delivering a successful and productive online presentation will be easier for both, the presenter as well as the attendees, if you begin by remembering these three tips!

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