On 14 December – National Energy Conservation Day, sheatwork puts the spotlight on corporate sustainability
On National Energy Conservation Day, that is celebrated every year on 14th of December we may wonder – what is the Energy Conservation? National Energy Conservation Day in India is celebrated to highlight the importance of energy, as well as the importance of saving or conserving the more energy (by using less energy). Using energy efficiently is very necessary to save it for the future usage. Energy conservation should be rooted in the behavior of everyone – to make the plan of energy conservation more effective.
Every year there is a theme decided, by keeping in mind goals and objectives. Some of the important goals are:
- It is celebrated to send the message of the importance of conserving energy in the every aspect of life
- Promoting the process of energy conservation – by organizing events such as discussions, conferences, debates, workshops, competitions etc throughout the country
- Promote efficient energy use in order to decrease energy consumption and prevent energy loss
For business enterprises, it puts the focus on sustainable development, which means adopting business strategies and activities that meet the needs of the enterprise, while at the same time – protecting, sustaining and enhancing human and natural resources that will be needed in the future.
We can rebuild our world
We are indeed, living through a moment of great opportunity – a time when we can rebuild our world in a way that will have a lasting and positive impact. Why? Because the pandemic has demonstrated that businesses have a conscience and have emphasized the importance of empathy and authenticity and, they are willing to work for the greater good.
Businesses have often been supporting societal demands for responsibility. Things are starting to change. Many companies are taking the lead in practicing and promoting sustainability. The trends seem promising, but, will the future of corporate sustainability be as bright as we would like it to be?
Fortunately we have witnessed, in the recent past, a marked increase in corporate sustainability commitments. Businesses are starting to look at sustainability as something that should be at the very core of their operations, and not just an add-on for improving their image. Companies want to show their customers that they really care about the environment.
Despite all the positive trends, issues like combating hunger, protecting freshwater sources and overcoming poverty, are also still receiving little attention within large global companies, according to a recent report by SustainAbility. The rising frequency of deteriorating environmental quality might add to a bleak future, endangering contemporary living standards and lifestyles, along with the current state of global economy.
The reality is that the challenges are many, yet the future of corporate sustainability is looking brighter than ever. So, let’s build on that now, ensuring the private sector addresses the other urgent challenge of our time – the need to prioritize sustainability and the protection of our planet for future generations.