FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO) Opens Its ‘She Can Center Of Excellence’ In Noida To Promote Skill Development And Provide A Network Of Support To Women Entrepreneurs


FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO) an Apex body of business women in the country opened its first ‘She can center of Excellence’ in Noida to promote skill development and provide network of support to entrepreneurs in various sectors. “ ‘She can center of excellence ‘ set up in collaboration with Young FICCI Ladies Organisation (YFLO) is a dedicated space for fostering knowledge, skills, mentorship, and holistic development. Education is the cornerstone upon which a brighter, more equitable future is built. This center has been set up with an aim to provide not just knowledge, but also a platform for skills enhancement, mentorship, and holistic development, enabling women to carve their paths with confidence and determination.” Said Ms Sudha Shivkumar, National president, FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO) while inaugurating the center. Read More

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