Cultural Diversity: A key to success for Women Entrepreneurs


Sheatwork recognizes World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development on May 21, 2019

Today bridging the gap between cultures is a reality which is needed urgently. In a world delicate situations surface which are because of subtle cultural differences, the need for unity is paramount, and it is most important for peace, stability and development. This issue is specially important on May 21, 2019 – World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development.

As far as economic growth goes, cultural diversity is a driving force which paves the path for  development. Interestingly, it also opens up the road to lead a more fulfilling, satisfied life with special emphasis on emotional, intellectual, moral and spiritual factors. So, cultural diversity is considered to be a huge asset, which is vitally essential both for achieving sustainable development and poverty reduction.  

In 2001, UNESCO adopted the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity. Subsequently, in December 2002, the UN General Assembly, announced that May 21 will be the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development.

So, the day sets free opportunities to deepen our understanding of how valuable cultural diversity is to advance the four goals identified by the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions adopted on 20 October 2005. These goals are: support sustainable systems of governance for culture, achieve a balanced flow of cultural goods and services and increase mobility of artists and cultural professionals, integrate culture in sustainable development frameworks and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms.

At this point, it is highly appropriate to highlight the role of cultural diversity for women entrepreneurship. The very acceptance and recognition of cultural diversity is really key to success for women entrepreneurs.

The word “diversity” fits into all sectors. In fact, it can definitely spurn off all roads leading to success. It has been observed that a number of businesses have benefited hugely from diversity factor in the workforce. Diversity reveals itself in many ways. Age, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, among others, are all classified by law as protected characteristics. In the current era of economic globalization, when diversity reigns in a business, it can have a positive impact. As a result, today, organizations and entrepreneurship ventures are gunning for creating a diverse workforce.

There are many advantages:

  • It increases productivity. A diverse workforce in a small business or an entrepreneurship venture, can usher in many benefits – like productivity of the workforce. It helps to create a diverse mix of skills, strengths, and weaknesses when each employee brings his or her own unique strengths and weaknesses. And when employees teach their skills to other employees, it increases the skill-set of each employee!
  • It heightens creativity. Brainstorming sessions, which are common especially in creative organizations, can be more successful when diversity exists in the workforce. When a company has employees from different backgrounds, creativity flows more freely. Ideas that pop up are fresh, innovative if diversity is present within the team.
  • It builds a positive business reputation. It is imperative that the reputation must be positive and strong, if a business venture has to succeed. When positive “word of mouth” exists between customers, it is likely that the organization has a positive reputation and brand image. And, having a diverse small business enterprise can aid future employees to choose your business. It will also help future customers or clients to prefer your company over competition.
  • It impacts the bottom-line. Your company’s bottom-line can certainly benefit from a diverse workforce. Since it is a mix of different factors such as productivity, creativity and a positive business reputation – all which help generate increased sales. It can also contribute to higher profits.

If the above points are taken into account any entrepreneurship venture can flourish. And, women entrepreneurs can see that their small business grow to become a more diverse business. This, in turn, can lead to success like – increase in customers, sales, employee satisfaction, reputation – all of which ultimately can impact profits.

So, acceptance and recognition of cultural diversity is definitely a key to success for women entrepreneurs!

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