Celebrating smiles on World Smile Day: October 5


They say “smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone”. To support this line of thought, every year on the first Friday of November the world celebrates the World Smile Day. This idea was started by Harvey Ball, who was a business craftsman from Worcester in Massachusetts. Incidentally, he is known to have made the Smiley Face in the year 1963. In 1999 the first World Smile Day was celebrated, and happily, this has become a tradition every year since.

After his death in 2001, a foundation was created in his memory known as “Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation”. The motto of the Smile Foundation is “enhancing this world, one smile”. Till today, the Foundation acts the official patron of World Smile Day every year. The day is all about being generous and helping people to be happy and smile!

Many events are hosted on World Smile Day and the creation of the biggest human smiley face is critical to spread the spirit of the day. It is observed by schools, people, organizations and associations attempting to improve the world, by unleashing fun activities that can make a person smile.

Talking of smiles and happiness, research has shown that entrepreneurs are happier and healthier than employees and science shows a strong link between entrepreneurship and mental and physical health.

Here’s the good news for business founders. The research on the subject reveals that while there are clearly some entrepreneurs who suffer from mental illnesses, science says that on an average, entrepreneurs are happier and healthier than employees!

Business owners are healthier. Happiness is being your own boss.

The findings about life satisfaction raises an interesting question: if entrepreneurs are, on average, healthier, are they also happier? A quick research reveals that, despite the uncertainties of starting up, entrepreneurs on the whole, actually report higher mental well being than those who are comfortably ensconced in a steady job.

Want to be happy like an entrepreneur? Think like one.

Why were founders so much more cheerful and cheerful than those people who are in banking or finance, despite generally earning less? Whether you’re safely fitted into a regular job or blazing your own path, what is important is to discover the empowering mindset that entrepreneurs so often display – and maintain a happy state of mind.

Are entrepreneurs happy?

According to the 2017 American Express OPEN Small Business Monitor, it seems that the answer is, “Yes”. In fact, 81 percent of business owners say their happiness is due somewhat or entirely to being an entrepreneur. What’s more, 94 percent of entrepreneurs say they are happy with their lives! It’s probably because of their optimism that business owners automatically feel satisfied and feel quite secure about making their future happy!


So, smile and be happy!

(Author: Shree Lahiri)


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