Breaking Chains & Shattering Ceilings: Women Entrepreneurs Earn their ‘Independence Badges’


#InspiringJourneys #IndependenceDay2024 #WomenEntrepreneurs #EntrepreneurialSuccess #WomenInBusiness #InspiringJourneys #EntrepreneurialIndependence #EmpoweredWomen

Happy Independence Day!

As Independence Day dawns, it’s an opportune moment to reflect on the essence of ‘independence’ per se, particularly for women entrepreneurs who have carved out their paths against huge challenges. Realistically, women entrepreneurs often face unique obstacles when embracing independence, but their journey towards self-sufficiency is marked by resilience, innovation & unwavering determination.

‘Independence’ in entrepreneurship is about more than just financial success. It involves prioritizing self-reflection – to identify one’s values and goals, making decisions aligned with their vision & driving towards success. Women entrepreneurs often build strong networks and communities, leveraging these support systems to overcome obstacles. This ‘independence’ fosters a sense of responsibility and accountability, motivating them to stay focused on their mission.

Trailblazers of Independence: Women Entrepreneurs Reflect on Their Greatest Triumphs

Despite the extra challenges, women are more entrepreneurial than ever before, showing that success is not only achievable but also thriving. So, pre-Independence Day, we reached out to some enterprising women entrepreneurs – to check out what they thought would help them clinch a reward in their entrepreneurial journey.

Their responses are a testament to the spirit of independence that drives women entrepreneurs across the nation. From breaking industry barriers and building inclusive workplaces to creating impactful social ventures and achieving financial milestones, these achievements highlight the diverse ways women are redefining success and independence in the business world.

So, keeping ‘Independence’ in the spotlight, we raised a question to some inspiring women entrepreneurs –
If you were given an “Independence Badge” for your entrepreneurial journey, what three achievements would earn you this badge?

Join us as we celebrate these remarkable stories and insights, showcasing how women entrepreneurs are not just surviving but thriving, and how their journey of independence will continue to inspire and empower others.

Here are some very interesting answers.

> Parbati Bhattacharya, Founder & Director, Wanderers Footprints Travel Boutique

“I think, offering excellent guest services with personal attention to details, along with travel packages curated with care at competitive prices and best practices, are the three strengths which would earn me the “Independence Badge”.

> Vijaya Eastwood, Founder & CEO, CribLife

“Independence is so much more than just a word; it’s a way of life, a mindset, and a driving force behind every entrepreneur’s dream. 

– the courage to step out 

– the resilience to face setbacks and rejections 

– the freedom to create something special you believe in 

For me, independence allows me to go out there without being constrained by traditional norms or external expectations. This creative freedom allows me to innovate, take risks, and build something unique that I believe in – and this is CribLife. 

Independence means having the power to define what my life and my success looks like. It’s not about adhering to conventional measures of success but about setting our own goals and working towards them with determination and integrity.”

> Meenakshi Thukral Vij, Proprietor, Aspiring Enterprises

“It would be an honor to receive the ‘Independence Badge’.

I consider myself a learner with lot to achieve. However, I believe, my resilience, positive & solution-based approach to any challenge, and my aptitude for looking at the bigger picture – have been my strengths.

These are the three qualities which would have earned me the ‘Independence Badge’. They are indeed, the key to my success.”

> Sagarika Dev Biswas, Director, Palli Bangla Resort

“If I were given an ‘Independence Badge’ for my entrepreneurial journey, these three achievements would earn me this badge:

  1. Building a Purpose-Driven Business: I successfully created a venture that not only thrives financially but also aligns with my values, contributing positively to society and, also making a difference in the lives of my customers and community.
  2. Overcoming Challenges and Dealing with Crisis Management: The entrepreneurial journey is filled with obstacles, but my ability to navigate through the toughest of times, adapt to changes, and emerge stronger has been a key achievement.
  3. Empowering Others Along the Way: Beyond personal success, I’ve prioritized lifting others & seeing those I’ve helped flourish in their own right. This is one of my proudest moments!”
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