Managing life is tough today – to manage all the responsibilities and duties at work and home. The pandemic has swung work-life parameters and with WHF as the new normal – new rules have come into place. And, if you’re a mompreneur it’s especially difficult to manage business and home.
You may have settled into your work pattern previously, but that is now thrown out of gear! In fact, many mompreneurs across the globe are facing challenges right now. Moms have to help their children with remote learning, and even manage elder family members, while at same time, they try to run a business successfully. Keeping up with all the duties and responsibilities that come along with motherhood, is indeed confusing and difficult to manage. Juggling everything is dicey, and you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed & frustrated!
But, the good news is that though your life is jam-packed with activities, you can steer carefully, with a plan; and, with the right strategy, you can manage family, business, and everything else that goes with it.
Here are some tips to help you speed up your productivity and avoid mistakes:
• Prioritize your work: Stop trying to multi-task, and try to handle everything. Set your priorities for, as a mompreneur you need to create a balance. If you don’t prioritize your work every single day, you’re going to miss deadlines and become stressed. And stress will lead to making mistakes; you may feel pressured about a deadline, and then you won’t be able to concentrate. On the other hand if you prioritize, your mind will be clearer, you can focus better, and everything will be completed within the appropriate time.
• Delegate & eliminate (if required): Take a look at what is happening around you. What exactly are your roles, duties, and responsibilities? How much time are you spending on unnecessary activities? What can you eliminate from your life so you don’t feel so overwhelmed? Work out such questions, to help you get a sense of how you are spending your time. Once this inventry is filled in, then you will need to start to plan for work and home – you can eliminate some and delegate duties to others. You will not be able to handle everything. This lifestyle inventory will give you a picture of all that’s going on; plus it will help you identify the areas you can eliminate, or delegate.
• Set clear boundaries: First set the clear pattern of work-home scenario. After you have an idea of how you spend your time, then you can start to set boundaries and fix how you will/won’t spend your time. You have to know your limits and where you need to draw the line. Boundaries are a must in all areas of life – so set your boundaries and inform everyone. As a mompreneur, it is up to you to preserve your energy and time, by setting and sticking to your boundaries. The only way to get people to respect your time and space is to set clearly defined boundaries in all areas of your life… work, business, clients, kids, significant others, personal, etc.
So, as a mompreneur, taking care of your home and work efficiently – may be tough, but it is a reality. Work out ways to maximize your productivity, and remember, if you don’t get it right today, tomorrow is a new day and, you get a chance to have a fresh start!!