COVID has brought the world economic order to a standstill. New-age technologies are transforming the world of work and disrupting business models. The pandemic and lockdowns have also resulted in…
Tips to Make an Impactful Presentation
Today, nearly every professional in the world is working remotely, at least part of the time, creating and delivering presentations via online video conferences. Online/virtual presentations have become the standard…
How to Reinvent Your Business to Perform During the Pandemic
With enough having been said about the disastrous effects of COVID-19, I believe it is time we looked at the ‘silver lining’ in the dark clouds now and welcome the…
Tips to Improve Employee Commitment While Working Remotely
The Covid-19 pandemic has compelled people to work away from colleagues for the first time – and this isolation can be nerve-wrecking! In such times keeping employees distant yet connected…
Boosting Mental Health – How Women Entrepreneurs Can Do It?
“ There is no health without mental health”- David Satcher World Mental Health Day – observed today – aims to educate and raise awareness of mental health issues. According to…
Can an Athlete Be a Good Entrepreneur?
Athletics and entrepreneurship…two different worlds with a strong connect! It is an ineludible fact that there is a striking resemblance between sports and entrepreneurship! It is noteworthy that just like…
Should you consider working with social media influencers?
Let me begin by sharing a fun-fact with you – Did you know, the first influencers in the history of influencer marketing can be traced back to the early 20th century.…
The Need to Develop Virtual leadership in the New Ecosystem of Work
I perceive the ongoing pandemic as a great leveller. Along with people, organisations across industries too have been reminded of the need to partner with each other in order to…
Developing an Employee Training Programme to Empower and Grow
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin In counting our blessings granted by the Covid-19 outbreak, I wish…
How to create an actionable offer to get purchases
“Dear entrepreneur, congratulations on developing a product/service and good luck while you endeavour to sell your services/products to elevate your profit and earn your brand recognition!” Most people stop and…