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Foundation for the support of Women’s work
It’s a Non profit organization which helps low income and under privileged women entrepreneurs with its micro-credit facilities. By 2005 it had given 3000 credits and the total amount of credit given is $1,181.27.
http://www.kedv.org.tr/?lang=enWomen Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey
The association is named as KAGIDER and was founded in the year 2002. The vision of the association is to create a world of empowered and assertive women who actively take part in all decision making processes and enjoy their existence freely. The main aim of this association is to advance women’s entrepreneurship and empower women in economic life. It has evaluated the business ideas of 5000 women and provided entrepreneurship training to 1200 women.

Republic of Turkey Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organisation
The organisation is called KOSGEB and it is a public enterprise included in the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology. Its objective is to contribute in fulfilling economic and social needs of the country by improving the standards of SMEs. With the aim to do this the enterprise operates to:

    • Alleviate the competitiveness and intelligence level of SMEs
    • Create networking among industries.
    • Provides public funds to the service industry and commercial sectors in order to increase added value and employment potential.


The Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation
TURKONFED is known for the emancipation and participation of women in the work force, it works for the alleviation of social and economic status of women. They focus on women issues and work for women’s participation in business and participation. The association held its second meeting with the theme of “Strong women, strong economy”. The meeting held with collaboration of BASIFED and EGIKAD.