Entrechat with Joyshree Das Verma


There is nothing wrong with donning yet another feather in your cap; we should strive to learn more and grow, because more the number of feathers, higher you will soar! Joyshree Das Verma, the 41 st National President of FICCI Ladies Organisation for the year 2024-25, truly exemplifies this statement. A leader with an innate ability to gauge organisational dimensions intricately, Ms. Joyshree Das Verma fuses her rich background in operations and human resources management into innovative solutions towards business challenges. Through her long corporate and entrepreneurial journey, Ms. Joyshree Das Verma has successfully nurtured a diverse professional presence. As a public figure, she holds the position of Honorary Consul of Israel, Northeast India. Ms. Joyshree Das Verma’s entrepreneurial role is defined as Director of Kaapro Management Solutions Pvt Ltd, her pan India entrepreneurial HR Consulting company in which she is a Co-promoter. It is an honour for Team SheAtWork to engage in a tete-a-tete with her.

Ques. What inspired you to start Kaapro Management Solutions Pvt Ltd after working in both corporate roles and entrepreneurship?

Ans. The inspiration to start Kaapro Management Solutions Pvt Ltd came from my diverse experiences in both corporate roles and entrepreneurship. As Director and Co-Promoter, I wanted to leverage my background to create a company that excels in HR consulting and solutions. Kaapro was founded with a vision to provide exceptional recruitment, staffing, consulting, and training services. My goal was to build high-performance teams and drive profitability with a focus on accountability. With my keen interpersonal skills, I aimed to acquire, service, and retain clients across various industries and scales, ensuring we deliver tailored solutions that meet their unique needs. This role allows me to apply my expertise in a way that fosters growth and success for both, our clients and our teams.

Ques. As Honorary Consul of Israel for Northeast India, can you share a notable achievement or project?

Ans. As Honorary Consul of Israel for Northeast India, one notable achievement was the successful integration of initiatives across all eight Northeastern states to enhance bilateral relations between India and Israel. A key project involved advancing cooperation in critical sectors such as agriculture, water management, IT, technology, health, innovation, tourism, and trade. By facilitating partnerships and collaborative efforts, we were able to implement impactful programs and projects that addressed regional challenges and leveraged Israeli expertise. This not only strengthened the strategic ties between our nations but also brought tangible benefits to the local communities, fostering growth and development across
Northeast India.

Ques. How have your leadership roles in organizations like FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO) and as Chairperson for FLO Northeast influenced your approach to advocacy and empowerment initiatives?

Ans. My leadership roles with the FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO) and as Chairperson for FLO Northeast have profoundly shaped my approach to advocacy and empowerment. Leading FLO at a national level has provided me with a platform to champion women’s issues and drive impactful initiatives across diverse sectors. In my role as Chairperson for FLO Northeast, I focused on addressing regional challenges and fostering local talent. These experiences have reinforced my belief in collaborative leadership and the power of grassroots involvement. By leveraging these roles, I’ve been able to implement programs that empower women, promote economic independence, and advocate for inclusive growth. The insights gained from these positions have guided my strategic vision, emphasizing the importance of tailored solutions and active community engagement in achieving lasting change.

Ques. Can you discuss a specific challenge you faced in establishing volunteer networks for social welfare causes and how you resolved it.

Ans. One specific challenge I faced in establishing volunteer networks for social welfare causes was mobilizing and coordinating volunteers for flood relief efforts and Covid care assistance. The key issue was ensuring that volunteers were efficiently managed and that their efforts were directed where they were most needed. To resolve this, I implemented a structured approach: I created clear communication channels and assigned roles based on volunteers’ skills and availability. Additionally, I partnered with local organizations and community leaders to streamline logistics and support. By focusing on transparent processes and regular updates, I ensured that volunteers were motivated and that their contributions had a significant impact. This approach not only enhanced the effectiveness of our relief efforts but also strengthened the overall volunteer network for various social welfare initiatives. I have even facilitated charity efforts across various sectors and established volunteer networks to support orphaned children and old age homes.

Ques. With over 25 years in HR consulting, what strategies do you find crucial for maintaining profitability and accountability across a diverse organizational footprint?

Ans. With over 25 years in HR consulting, I find that maintaining profitability and accountability across a diverse organizational footprint requires a multi-faceted strategy. My approach combines a 360° view of organizational dimensions with a strong focus on innovative solutions. Key strategies include comprehensive planning and vision alignment, ensuring that every initiative aligns with business goals and addresses specific challenges. I emphasize clear communication and structured processes to prevent conflicts and ensure smooth implementation. Regularly reviewing and adjusting strategies based on performance metrics helps maintain accountability and adapt to changing needs. By leveraging my background in operations and human resources management, I am able to deliver effective solutions that drive profitability while maintaining high standards of accountability across varied projects and client engagements.

Ques. How have your interactions with J.R.D Tata and your philosophy from Zen Shin influenced your leadership style and decision-making over your career?

Ans. Interactions with the late Shri J.R.D. Tata and the philosophy from Zen Shin have profoundly shaped my leadership style and decision-making. J.R.D. Tata’s emphasis on integrity and passion inspired me to approach my entrepreneurial journey with a commitment to co- create meaningful, impactful solutions for my nation. His example instilled in me the importance of aligning personal values with professional endeavours. Additionally, the Zen Shin philosophy, which teaches that “a flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it; it just blooms,” has guided my approach to leadership. This principle encourages me to focus on my own growth and contributions rather than competing with others, fostering a collaborative and innovative environment. Together, these influences have shaped a leadership style rooted in integrity, personal growth, and a commitment to contributing positively to society.

Ques. How do you bring about a work-life balance?

Ans. Maintaining a work-life balance is essential to my effectiveness as President of FICCI FLO. I achieve this by setting clear boundaries between work and personal time, prioritizing tasks, and delegating responsibilities where appropriate. I also make time for activities that rejuvenate me, such as exercise, hobbies, and family interactions, ensuring that I stay energized and focused. Regularly evaluating and adjusting my schedule helps me remain productive while also being present in my personal life. Additionally, I encourage my team to adopt similar practices, fostering a culture that values balance and well-being. By integrating these strategies, I can lead effectively while simultaneously nurturing my personal life and maintaining overall well-being.

Ques. What are your future plans?

Ans. As President of FICCI FLO for 2024-25, my future plans focus on building a robust, inclusive community dedicated to sustainable progress. Our goal is to foster individual growth and inspire impactful change through collective action. We aim to empower women by creating opportunities for personal and professional development and ensuring that every woman has the support and resources needed to thrive. By promoting collaboration and shared vision, we will work together to pave the way for a future where women not only succeed but also lead with confidence and purpose. Our commitment is to drive meaningful progress and make a lasting impact on both individuals and the broader community.

Ques. Any tips for someone starting out today?

Ans. For those starting out today, my advice is to be yourself, stay confident, and be clear about your goals. Authenticity and self-assurance are crucial in navigating any path successfully. Remember, women empowerment is not just a personal goal; it’s essential for societal progress. To foster understanding and change, we must focus on empowering women at all levels—from grassroots communities to corporate environments and entrepreneurs. Providing financial literacy and support is key to this empowerment, enabling women to make informed decisions and take charge of their futures. By embracing these principles, you’ll contribute to a broader movement that benefits not only individuals but society as a whole.

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