Entrechat with Ambica Chaudhry


“Women across the value chain understand each other’s struggles and aspirations and are the best allies.”

“The wondorous weaver wove the cloth, with the thread of karma as a warp, memory and attachment as weft.” -Kabir, 15th century poet saint India’s rich cultural heritage and fashion have a dynamic relationship that has influenced fashion for many years, helping to establish identities and encourage creativity. Considering that women and fashion are an endless odyssey, Ambica Chaudhry, has successfully re-introduced a new fashion concept which envelopes mostly Indian cultures and subcultures. ‘Peeli Kothi’ is an ode to the rich textile heritage of our country, which works with weavers and artisans across the country. With Peeli Kothi, Ambica, enables clients to come alive to tradition. Concurrently she also strives tirelessly to justify and reward the love and dedication of craftsmen towards their craft.

Ques. Tell us a little about your venture. How long ago did you start up? What has been your motivation and what do you aim to achieve?

Ans. Peeli Kothi is an Indian ethnic brand that collaborates with artisans from across the country to bring the finest craftsmanship to our customers. Peeli Kothi began as a side hobby to source and style for friends, family, and myself. Over the years, I connected with various karigars (craftsmen) and weavers and began customizing and designing Indian wear in collaboration with these talented crafts persons. In 2018, I decided to quit my job and finally pursue my calling of working with fabrics and designs. I started with a handful of sarees and showcased them at an exhibition in Delhi. The response was overwhelming, and many people called us with enquiries about the sarees. Unable to meet the demand and properly showcase the collection, I took a massive leap of faith, increased my collection, and rented a store in Greater Kailash, Delhi. Thus, Peeli Kothi was born.

Ques. Where did the inspiration for setting up a business come from?

Ans. I have always had an inclination towards fashion and design, especially Indian couture. The saree trousseau in India is a tradition, an heirloom passed from generation to generation. Indian crafts are an art form. I see the Indian garment as a story, with its weavers, colourists, artisans, and master his (craftsmen) as the storytellers. As a child, I traveled extensively within India. Coming from a religious family, we visited temples where I witnessed the confluence of different cultures. The women visiting the temples mostly adorned sarees, which were not just local weaves but from across the country. I was fascinated. When I grew up and started traveling, I began collecting sarees from each state I visited. My love for travel and handloom were my biggest inspirations, and Peeli Kothi is the amalgamation of them.

Ques. How easy or tough has it been for you, as a woman entrepreneur, to set up and promote your business?

Ans. I started my career as an educator, working with children in government schools in Uttar Pradesh and Delhi. When I decided to start my business, the transition wasn’t easy, as my formal education and training were in education and the sciences. With no background in business or retail, the first few months were spent navigating through challenges. I had to oversee sourcing, designing, operations, sales, and accounting. While delegation is key in business, you still have to overlook everything. As challenging as it was, I found this new chapter equally exciting.

Ques. Do you think women entrepreneurs support other women across the value chain of business? How have you impacted/supported/mentored the careers of other women?

Ans. I strongly believe women across the value chain understand each other’s struggles and aspirations and are the best allies. Nobody can understand the struggle of a woman better than another woman, no matter where they are in the value chain. I have had the privilege of working with some incredible women. Peeli Kothi works closely with women artisans across the country. We pledge 5% of our profits to contribute towards enabling women artisans in their businesses. As we grow, we intend to contribute more.

Ques. How has the support of friends and family played a role in your being a successful entrepreneur? How do you balance your professional and personal life?

Ans. I don’t think I could have undertaken and succeeded at a business as demanding as retail without the support of my family. They have stood by me in every decision, sometimes even questioning it and helping me make better choices.

Ques. What is the road ahead in 2023-24?

Ans. This year, we aim to expand the business online. We have received a good response from clients abroad and will aim to meet their demands.

Ques. Do you have any tips for entrepreneurs who are starting their journey?

Ans. As important as it is to work hard, it is equally important to unwind and take rest. I understand that with your own business, you can never really switch off, but do try to take out time for yourself. As an entrepreneur, you face setbacks every day. Give yourself and your business the time to get back on track. After all – Rome wasn’t built in a day!

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